Everyday with you is Valentines Day

Happy (belated) Valentines Day Everyone! I spent the day with my family and relatives playing monopoly deal, Games of Life and have pizza...

Happy (belated) Valentines Day Everyone! I spent the day with my family and relatives playing monopoly deal, Games of Life and have pizzas for dinner then meeting Sh for Prata-Supper at Thomson then East Coast Park for a walk (spent most of the time sitting on the bench thou). SAF stole our first vday because he only managed to book out 8pm that night. *sob sob*

Indeed every day spent with him is valentines day. Too much love everyday. What did I do to deserve someone like you? It is never about the roses nor the present I receive on 14 February - a small handwritten card worth more than anything especially when he cut your card slanted. HAHAHAHAHA

Thank you so so so so much for everything you did for me. I really appreciate them a lot a lot. Thank you for all the good-morning and good-night voice memos when you left for outfield. Thank you for complimenting and saving my ugliest selfies. Thank you for listening to my nonsensical ranting. Thank you for motivating me to go for my weekly run. Thank you for forever calling me Chye Yuen Yuen. Thank you for taking good care of me. I love you so much.

Not forgetting the Chicken Marsala at Thomson's The Roti Prata House is really good. Sh ordered their Cheese and Onion Prata which is awesome too. I will end this post here. Hehehehe till then.