Happy 21st

Keeping it as simple as it can, I didn't plan for any celebration except to have meals with friends who matters. It is my birthday, so ...

Keeping it as simple as it can, I didn't plan for any celebration except to have meals with friends who matters. It is my birthday, so I didn't want be the one spending tons of money, time and effort to plan my own celebration then exhaust myself to entertain everyone on the day. This is not how I want to spend this special day; I should be a princess on that day, not a maid.

21 means I need or I should say I want to take up more responsibilities. Be it as simple as paying my own phone bill and I want my iPhone 6s to be the last phone that my parents are paying for me. New responsibilities at work, saving money for the future I desire, it is time to ease some burdens from my parents. If possible, I want to start giving my parents money.


Nevertheless Mr Chye was a sweet punk because he secretly plan a birthday dinner with all my girlfriends, Mr Sim, Mr Seow and Mr Tan (Glen) which kinda of fail because I see through it just that I didn't expose him. Hehehehe

1st loophole: I wanted to watch movie instead of singing k, but he told me he has something else planned for me. Mmmmm
2nd loophole: Normally he held his phone at my eye level but that day he held it super high.
3rd loophole: I saw him screenshot the location of the dinner place and send to people.
4th loophole: When we reached the dinner place, he said there are more people coming.

HAHAHAHA what a cute boy he is. I still love you Baobi. Thank you Mr Chye and Miss Ong for planning and thank you everyone who came down. I love you all. I cryed the moment when I realised we forgot to take group photo. T.T


Thank you Miss Gan for wishing me happy birthday through a phone call. She wanted to meet me at cdc after my driving test to drive her home. Hahahaha the amount of courage she has. Well I failed my first driving test but it will be the only time I fail. Miss Heng bought a strawberry shortcake after her work and surprised me outside my house. *crying* Thank you very much I really love all of you a lot. I am so blessed to have them in my life. And my fave (I only have one sister hehehe) sister came back from hostel to celebrate my birthday by running with me and a slice of strawberry cake.

Thank you Mr Guo Rui Wee who wished me two days earlier because he won't be around on the actual day. Thank you for remembering. Thank you Mr Rodrigues who spent the-whole-week-asking-what-I-want-for-my-birthday-but-still-dont-know-what-to-get-for-me and treating me dinner. Thank you Mr Hee for spending your precious weekends to have lunch with me.

Thank you Mdm Yap (my mum hahahahaha) for screaming and pushing so hard 21 years ago then feeding me milk, changing my diaper, bathe me and etc to now. But I only love you when you are not pms-ing. Hahahahahaha I tried my best.

Thank you everyone who wished me on Facebook and whatapps. I really appreciate them a lot. At this age, a birthday card meant more than a birthday present. Thank you for being around in my life.