Counting down to 2016

It didn't go as what I was expecting. We wanted to party the whole night but I guess we are too old for these. The thoughts of squeezing...

It didn't go as what I was expecting. We wanted to party the whole night but I guess we are too old for these. The thoughts of squeezing with thousands in an enclosure and the money spend for cover, liquors and cab were killing the vibes of new year. So we decided to go Christmas Wonderland at Garden by the Bay and Marina Bay Sands to watch fireworks. The crowds weren't much better but at least it is free even the transport back home is (almost) free. Then I headed over to Sh's house to sleepover hehehehe.

Only you can fix my eyes on you for so long.

If you ask me if I will come back here to countdown, I would still say yes? Hahahaha to enjoy this festival season with firework and kiss from him why not? Anyway if you haven't been to Christmas Wonderland, you should go. Wow for a few times and then go "chey like that only". Hahahaha there is free admission to [The Future of Us] exhibition at Garden by the Bay too! Don't say I bojio. And the firework was really very beautiful.