Just another normal day

My days were simply waking up, work, eat and sleep, some days were better when I met up with my girlfriends and/or my mum didn't nag at ...

My days were simply waking up, work, eat and sleep, some days were better when I met up with my girlfriends and/or my mum didn't nag at me for the whole day. Today was a tired yet fulfilling day because I finally fix my computer. The fan wasn't doing so well, and the temperature of my computer was enough to fry an egg. There were too many times when my computer just auto shut down because it was too hot to function. Yeah it was that bad. Procrastination at its best.

So my mum and I went down to Sim Lim Square to have our computers fix (her computer was down too). We are skeptical about their services, fearing they will steal our authentic parts and information, but I am quite pleased with their services till now. My mum paid $40 for them to service my fan, I mean they have to remove 16 screws, keypad, and many parts just to clean my fan within 30 minutes, it is quite a legit price. As for my mum's, her motherboard was down therefore it needs a day to fix. They quoted her $160 as a highest price to get it replaced.

Now I am secretly smiling because my computer is so quiet no more buzzing sound from the dusty fan but no more fry egg. ): I bought a cooling pad to ease the fan's heavy workload. Thank you for staying strong and cool.

We also stopped by 四马路 观音堂, I was jokingly telling my mum that I would like to ask 观音 for my fate with Mr Chye and now I am back with a 签. I shall keep this between me and Mr Chye. Hehehehe I only can say it is a good one.

With this, I thank you for spending your precious time to read this boring post. Turning in early tonight as I am going for driving lesson tomorrow at 10 am. Goodnight!