Happy 2015

Happy 2015 everyone. It is a brand new year with a brand new self (just trying to rhythm). So here we go for another lengthy naggy annual b...

Happy 2015 everyone. It is a brand new year with a brand new self (just trying to rhythm). So here we go for another lengthy naggy annual blogpost about my 2014. Are you ready?

2014 is filled with events.

I started exercising in 2014. All because I wanted a healthier and fitter body but the main reason is to slim down. I was 55kg then I dropped to 52kg then back to 54kg (still trying to convince myself it is muscle mass). I was really glad that I started exercising because I really feel good about myself now. Thank you Gerald for guiding me through this whole year and accompany me to gym. :D

Another relationship failed in 2014. But this time I managed to keep this friendship. I am more than grateful to him. He taught me many many life skills - how to save money, how to earn money, where are all the good foods, giving me advices (even some really sucks), guiding me in school, telling me all about his bullshit theories which somehow sound sensical. Thank you J, you are a wonderful man. Stay happy and nonsensical. We will always be friend forever.

I am thankful to fate for letting me to know K. Didn't expect us to meet 2 years later and this meeting is really magical. There is a point of time when we almost couldn't make it. Thank you for holding onto me, telling me you love me. I don't hope for forever, but I wish you will be here next year, making our resolutions together. Thank you K. (keeping all the disgusting love stories to ourselves)

I had my internship at bank which I realised it isn't something I am looking for in my life. I made some new friends which perhaps I can work on these friendships in 2015. I found my little dream to achieve now. Hopefully one day I can share with everyone that little dream of mine roaring in me.

GPA was a bitch in 2014. When I was about to reach CGPA of 3.60 and bam 3.2 GPA made me cry a lil inside and outside. I was on the verge of tears.

I was happy on Christmas because Pinkdots had full attendance at Marc's house and we did a lot of stupid stuff together again. Everyone was busy with their work and that day everyone just put down their things and come together. It seemed like we didn't age at all. Conversations were as childish. I really miss them a lot.

My first clubbing experience with friends. First was wasted. Lesson learnt: Drink slowly. I was glad that everyone was so patient with me especially gyl who spent her whole night taking good care of me while scolding me. HAHAHAHAHA I love you many many. Crying, puking, walking, laughing everywhere, calling people look how wasted I was. Second one was fun because I controlled my drinking. Had a fun night with gyl, dancing (more of jumping) crazily, laughing at people and scolding people.

Not forgetting to thank all my beloved girlfriends odq, gyl, joll, joey, hjt and sherin and my only bus mate Joel for loving and doting me for the past years. I love you all a lot too. I really find myself to be a sucky friends. Sorry I should put in more effort in our friendship, but my lazy self was procrastinating. Please know I really love you all a lot.

I am very grateful for my happy family. Thank you for keeping them all healthy and safe: my forever-loud-but-never-admit-she-is-loud-nagging mother, my forever-studying-and-doting-me sister, my forever-playing-lol-then-to-pokemon brother and my forever-working-and-listen-to-my-mother-nagging father. Please keep them safe and healthy in 2015 too.

I fulfilled my lil dream in 2014. Still trying very very very hard to make it success. Maybe one day I will be writing about it, sharing my success. This should be my passion because I enjoyed doing everything.

In 2015, I will make it more success.

In 2015 this would be the year when I first step into the real working world. No more going back to school. No longer having a date to look forward to go back to school. I will be helping my dad so technical not really working world. After all there is still someone looking after you. In 2015, K will be entering army. I hoped i am mentally and physically prepared. I decided to flood myself with work when he is in camp.

I will learn how to drive in 2015 too. So people, here comes another road hazard. Please be careful of me. :D I will try to blog more too even maybe my life is filled with work work work and work. I maybe posting photos of the invoices or taking photos with uncles and aunties. Hahahahahaha

I am ready for 2015. Are you?