The Future of Us

Last weekend, we went to The Future of Us exhibition before he fly to Brunei since it is free and because it will end before he come back. T...

Last weekend, we went to The Future of Us exhibition before he fly to Brunei since it is free and because it will end before he come back. This exhibition shows us how Singapore will improve in this upcoming 15 years, how Singapore solve the problem of land scarcity, etc.

Too handsome to choose either one. 太帅了吧

Business Class Swings | I need some time to fangirl.

This is powered up by the motion of the swings. So cool right?

Before anything, selfies first hehehehe

There is 40% off the admission tickets to Flower Dome and Cloud Forest with The Future of Us tickets. It is quite expensive even with the discount because there is nothing much we can do there except looking at flowers, artificial waterfall and oh aircon. The Future of Us is an eye opening experience. I am in love with the business class swings, as well as the idea of converting kinetic energy to electric energy. Sigh if only humans can do more to save this mother Earth. ):

I am going back to my 31st driving lesson tomorrow ): When can I pass my driving test sigh ): I miss Mr Chye too, another 21 days to see him. I will be fine. Anyway I finished Sharp Objects, starting Dark Places soon. Till then.