What I want to do in the future

For the past few days when I am alone at 3am I have been thinking "What I want to do in the future?" There are too many things I w...

For the past few days when I am alone at 3am I have been thinking "What I want to do in the future?" There are too many things I want to achieve in life. But expectations are always too far from reality ):

Perhaps my mom's nagging was getting onto my nerves. I really hate the part when she nagged about me making a mess of HER house. Technically she wasn't wrong but it really pissed me off. Therefore the first thing I would want to have is having my OWN house. I don't need a big house, I want a beautiful home. A home when I want to come back straight after work and wait for him to come home so we can share about our day. A home where I can have some peaceful time alone but loving time when with him. I don't mind doing a lil more housework but it will be better if we are doing it together and spending our weekends in pajamas and cooking meals together.

Things will eventually fall into places. Just be patient, Sy. You are still too young - 20 years old's Sy

I prefer an executive condo which I can easily access to gym and swimming pool after a long day at work. An executive condo has an average selling price of $600,000, in order to get it I need to have at least $120,000 cash and with renovation estimated to be $50,000 (I really want to have a beautiful home), I need $170,000 cash. Where to find such big amount of moneh?! 10 years of working will not generate that amount of moneh. T.T

Then I thought of having a car. Too greedy I would say, I wanted to have an Audi or BMW. I am giving you the permission to laugh at my ambition. Hahahahaha added COE and fund with car loan, I still need to fork out another $80,000 cash. Well done sy.

How about wedding ceremony? Personally I don't really have any thoughts about my wedding ceremony even after watching others having a grand ceremony. I didn't go wow or I-want-it-for-my-wedding-ceremony mindset. I didn't want it but my mom said it is for formality sake - to let people know I am married. (why people of the old generation so mafan?) So to satisfy myself and my mom, a simple wedding ceremony will do the trick. Because I prefer to spend the moneh on traveling, house and car. Is $30,000 too little for a simple ceremony?

Moving on, kids and education. Having kids means another significant amount of moneh to be spent. Oh god. Why humans invent such thing to make themselves working so hard for it? Dear god, why rain water when you can rain some real moneh? Perhaps changing my shopping habit, and cultivating a good saving habit is easier than whining.