Four contradicting me

1. Sort of a neat freak but untidy All my friends know that I keep my things neat especially my work. I will make sure every pieces of pape...

1. Sort of a neat freak but untidy
All my friends know that I keep my things neat especially my work. I will make sure every pieces of paper is neatly filed. But my room, table and wardrobe are so disorganised. Hahahahahahahaha my mum always say this to me: "我就要看你改次怎样带你的男朋友来你家,他看到你的家那么乱就不要你了."

2. Have millions dresses but  hate to dress up
I came out with a conclusion that my wardrobe dressed up more than I do. I have many many clothes but I always wear the same 5 pieces. I don't know when I can wear those pretty dresses. I don't go club, I don't go out with my friends often even I do I wear my fav tops with high waisted denim short. (I decided to invest more tops and shorts so I can wear them everyday to everywhere.)

3. Wanna slim down but eat more than any girls out there
I really love to eat so much. It is like one of my happiest thing in my life. I really eat a lot until my friends wonder how I managed to squeeze them all into my tummy. Unfortunately it went to my tummy, thighs, arms and FACE instead of my booby. T.T

4. Love travelling but afraid to travel
I always love travelling. It is like taking a few days off from my normal routine. When you are travelling, you forget everything; just like you are a super hero in the movie but once you are out of the cinema, you are the boring you again. I overthink a lot when travelling. Will my plane crash? Will I meet a robber here? Is there piaopiao in this hotel? Will anyone sneak in when I am sleeping? CHOY! TOUCHWOOD! Which makes me think twice if I should travel.

Just then this world is full of contradictions which we will never understand why.
同樣一個懷抱水火都沸騰 快樂凝望不快樂 妥協共生 同樣一個腦袋對立的靈魂 勇敢挑釁不勇敢 激烈辯論 || 田馥甄 矛盾